Monday, July 29, 2013

Quote of the Day: Contentment


Friday, July 26, 2013

Top 5 Tips to Grow as a Single Man/Woman

Oftentimes, when we see our friends, or relatives find their one true love, and their dreams are slowly taking place, we always ask when will our turn be? Is there anything wrong with me? Why am I still unattached?

Here are top 5 tips to grow as a single  man/woman:

  1. Love yourself. If you want someone special to love you, how can you expect them do that if you, yourself don’t love the person that you are? There may be a lot of things that you hate about yourself, about your body; your thighs are too big, hair is frizzy, or something about how awkward you are in front of others. May it be in physical aspect or your attitude; there will always be things that you hate about yourself. But, remember this: We are all made in the likeness of Christ. We are all special in our own way. Throw away the insecurities and avoid comparison with others. Always remember: You are special, you are loved, and you are love itself, because you are created out of it.
  2. Focus on other things. Of course it is true that love makes the world go round. But, there are other things around your world that you should focus on. Like your career, your family, friends. Do things that you know you can’t do when you are inside a relationship. Go out often, meet new people, do the things you thought you couldn’t do and surprise yourself a little. Be crazy, have fun, live free. Live your own adventure, cause someday, when you find that special person, there will be a new chapter of adventure that you two can start together. At least for now, you can say that you had lived well, and enjoy the life that God had blessed you with.
  3. Don’t find love, let it find you. Remember that one day when you are looking for your favorite pen or shirt but for some reasons, you cannot find it, until one day, you forgot about it, got tired and stopped looking and it appears, just like that. Just when you are not actually looking for it. Same with love. They say that love is like a butterfly, the more you chase it, the more it’ll fly away. But if you let it come to you naturally, it will stay. Same thing with love. Let it come to you naturally, and it will stay, more than you could ever imagine.
  4. Be happy. Make someone happy.. No man or no person can ever fall in love with someone that is full of drama, or full of negativities. Even though it is hard to be happy when you still lack that missing piece in you, you should always find a reason to smile, be happy and make someone else happy. A simple smile to a stranger, a tap at the back for your little brother, little words of encouragement for a best friend, do anything that when you know you made someone else’s day happy, yours will be happy too. There are countless of things that can bring happiness to our days. May it be ordinary or simple; it is still the thought that counts. Remember to wear that perfect smile all the time. Who knows the person next to you might fall in love with that smile, and that could be a perfect beginning.
  5. Believe in God’s perfect timing. More often than not, we always lose our patience, especially when we want something so badly and we want it right here, right now. Always remember, God does not answer us with just a “yes” or a “no. Sometimes, he answers us with a “wait.” Be patient and know that God knows what He is doing. Tell yourself that someday, God will lead you to that special person because He loves you, and He wants you to be happy. For now, He is still preparing the heart that deserves your love.